Jun 8, 2011

grace and disgrace

If a person, by grace, was given a chance to be a healer, he or she should, by grace, do the rightful thing. Or at least, know what they are doing.

Apathy among my fellow men can not surpass the apathy of my fellow healers.

To had held on one hand the water of power which is unknown and pass it into the body of the weaker innocent other person, by grace, it's a disgrace in its own totality.

If the end result is death, the court's verdict will be no lesser than manslaughter.

Long time ago, in a far far away land, there was this healer who follow blindly the order of her fellow men to dilute a reagent prior to operation. Not knowing what the reagent was for, she had syringed up some anaesthetic fluids, labelling it as the antibiotics. It took a few milliseconds before the sedative wonders came into light, with the patient knocked out cold like most opponents of the great boxer Mohammed Ali, followed by the emergency airway support with the indwelling tube. As much as it seemed like a joke to any healers who heard it first hand, it was an unnecessary risk trip that the patient can do without.

Forward to the present, another healer who couldn't care less, by grace, held in his hand the agent to avoid the anticipated complications in the future progeny of the patient. Though, he was given the privilege to heal, his lack of basic knowledge in its own unique totality assaulted the normal hemostatic balance of a defenseless innocent newborn by a simple sting on the thigh. What was meant for the mother was instead....

A moment of silence.

If a person, by grace, was given a chance to be a healer, he or she should, by grace, do the rightful thing. Or at least, know what they are doing.

Apathy among my fellow men can not surpass the apathy of my fellow healers.

Is there really no stopping the rampaging apathetics?

Let's us say our grace, for now.


doc said...

as healers, at one time or other, we've fallen into this trap of complacency or carelessness.

but as good healers do, we try to remedy the situation, alleviate the consequences & most importantly, to learn from its lessons.

didn't we take the oath at the beginning, not to do harm?

pilocarpine said...

if it's a single lesson, it's a lesson...
when it is an epidemics... something is very wrong somewhere... on second thought, not 'somewhere', but everywhere!

welcome, doc.