but for 'real' real - it is really a grievious coma-inducing program.
this is the first time, in the history of mankind (I mean, mine), that in the middle of the course, I felt like going to the bathroom to bang my head on the wall. yes, for real.
being in the Master training program doesn't exclude you from being uninitiated and waiting for the sky to pour down guidance for you.
since the first day of orientation of the program, we were all being told - to start the research early, start the research early and start the research early.
No, I am not whining, but serious, it was told in the same exact language (if not, words) so many times over the orientation, mainly because our Profs were afraid that we'll be barred from the Finals, not because of our lack of white and gray matters, but rather our affinity towards procrastination in putting in sound research work and print outs. Nevertheless, neither my internal nor external supervisor breath a tune about asking me to get the GCP certification - which is the compulsory document to have before starting any medical research.
Let me rephrase that, before starting any LEGAL medical research.
within the context of starting off my compulsory research, my sincere gratitude to Dr. T, my senior and mentor, who given me sound advice on getting the GCP.
GCP by itself, good clinical practice, can be a pretty amazing misnomer, because halfway through, a participant commented that the course should be renamed as good practice in research, because he was duped (by himself) to believe that this is a course about good CLINICAL practice.
this is where i would like to remind everyone not to undermine the power of literacy, and reading everything and not just the headlines. Anyway, that chap looks like he has tonnes of money to splash around as well as a lifetime to just hang around and be amused.
Anyway, the name GCP sticks, because it's the standardization of term used all over the world. Just like balisan, the name remains, no matter how it much it had evolved to a crooked wavy line.
In a brief, GCP mainly governs all the essential ethics to protect the human subjects in a medical research, with concern on the validity of the study. It is a regulation and a law by indirect jurisdiction, mainly by enforcement by the drug authority. No doubt it is an important program, essential to the bone prior to starting any medical research, but i think to have everyone to attend to pseudo-law crash course for 2 and 1/2 days and participate in the exam is really pushing the limit of boredom. I was pretty suicidal after the second day. Apart from the content, the organizer really did their best to perk things up and their effort is just praiseworthy with multiple thumbs-ups - all the group game, card game and etc.
Frankly, they would have save us a lot of money, save them a lot of time, save everyone a lot of trouble if they make it just purely exam with focus-driven questions and we revise those essential GCP protocol online prior to the exam.
I presented my study proposal twice. Once in my department, the second time in today assessment at the Uni. I was brutally attack verbally from head to toe on the proposal of research and I am glad, not in the masochistic way.
Because their machine-gun verbal assaults on my proposal is a boost to my study. It is like a company hiring a hacker to hack into their own system, to create a better security system. But in this case, all my consultants, profs and specialists did it voluntarily (or it was within their SKT) and I was totally awed and gratified. I am sure there are more imperfections.
As a matter of fact, most Profs sigh, lament, groan, roar, whine or simply sulk whenever they found out that the trainees shilly shally on the research.
However, they failed to understand the spirit of a research.
The research is being developed and run with enthusiasm, either for altruistic, knowledge or monetary gain.
Drug companies do research to create new drugs to earn bigger bucks.
Space exploration corporation do research to get to the moon to take a look at the wreck of Ark, the ship of Sentinel Prime and to gain the technology of advanced alien race.
Many bioequivalence tests to get similar actions from the drug without breaking the wallets of the people.
So, what's our driving desire to do a research?
To do something simple (and not weird), get it over with, so that can sit for Final exam.
Now, the perspective is clear. We can choose to fake our enthusiasm, or fake our study.
But by the law and regulation, only the former choice is GCP-compliant
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