Oct 24, 2005

A little experiment

This is part of a sincere msg from this mamat in england:

"Friendster blog, yours make interesting reading.
We were on par once some weeks ago with our
number of hit, but i think you have twice as many
visitor as me now…

If your have problem leaving msg on the blog, that
is what i did. When u click on sign in to comment,
you are redirected to Friendster Home Page, just
need to sign in, then press the back button on
your browser
, and u should be back in the
comment page and should be able to start typing.
Give it a try."

I must really kow tow Friendster for subjecting us to sign in for it whenever we wanted to give any comment plus putting us through all the red tape. But luckily for my pal, I got this unorthodox suggested method. And so, I proceed with my little experiment, and I found out that it works 18 times out of 20 trials. As a result, I shall recommend this method to all my fellow readers.

By the way, do visit my pal’s blog. Here’s a sneak preview

"Tofu Egg (Made Simple) Recipe

Few eggs, lightly beaten. Add in same amount of water. Lightly salted and add some soya source. Mix well. Steam on extra low fire until solidify. If you see holes on your Tofu Egg, your fire is too strong. Do it again.

The idea of this dish is plainness."

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