gynaecology specialist is gynaecologist, biology specialist is biologist,
physic specialist is physicist, race specialist is....
Before, I was colour blind. Now, I am blinded by colours.
Subconsciously, everyone is a racist. Some obviously more racist than other, but still deep down, as a Malaysian, you're either a racist or a hypocrite.
Choose your own poison.Nothing fancy about this leader – more work, no pay rise, no extra leave, no extra allowance. The only perks – one can control/predict the on call dates
Then, a malay HO was chosen as he was the suitable for the job.
For the following candidate, my heart was contemplating, just to be fair; I should choose a macha or tanggachi for the job.
IMHO, my contemplation, although for a split moment of time, was that subconscious racist part of my Malaysian mentality.
Tun does make sense sometimes, as he was commenting about people going hoo haa about Obama elected as the US supremo uno, and people started to comment on the possibility of non-Malay PM in future in view of our current sociopolitical turmoil.Tun is right. If our mentality is right, the best Malaysian should be the PM, the race doesn’t really matter.
My simple split second thoughts on race may seem like a thoughtful consideration for all races, but in reality, it is simply another pathetic menace and hindrance to the implementation of meritocracy in our country.
And this thought is probably the silent subconscious mind in most of the Malaysian.
We need to select the best person for the job, and to accomplish that job will benefit everyone.
Our system bugged by quota and semi-meritocracy only will drag the country further down to gutter of poverty. At the end, everyone will suffer.
Even the leaders, at time will subscribe to the similar mentality. One example would be - if the CM is a Chinese, the DCM must be Malay and Indian.
Our mentality had not progressed together with physical and material development in this country.
It is like a regular thing in hospital to hear announcement about car’s license plate numbers, of which the cars are blocking the ambulance path, the entrance path, or even the mortuary.
There are also self-written notice advising people not to pee on the floor of the toilet and to flush adequately.
There are also footprints on top of the sitting toilet bowl.
There is this Chinese proverb '3 people walking, everyone is everyone's teacher.'
In every race, they have their own strength and weakness. And everyone is everyone’s teacher. There is no need to quote those good people of any specific race.
There are good and bad people in every race.
No matter black cat or white cat, the one who can catch the mice is a good cat.
By meritocracy, it will enable the good people to stay and build the country the right way, benefiting everyone in the long run.
At the end, I chose someone who I felt best to shoulder that responsibility, inspite of their colour, their race or their gender. The next candidate was not a macha or tanggachi.
At the end, this entry is just like any other entry about racial polarisation.
I write about it. I bitch about it. I shout about it. I fight about it.
It probably ain't gonna change a farking thing.
Aren't we just part of the large majority blinded by colours?
I think most of us were born Malaysians (and proud of it) only to grow up later to realize that our skin color has done us in. Can we do anything about it? Probably not in our generation, but hey, the US of A is a far older nation and only now color is beside the point.
I suppose there are things we can all do in our own little ways, like raising children to see beyond color and running a medical practice devoid of racial prejudices.
You know, we're all the same color in different shades, that's all :)
medical practice IS devoid of racial prejudices, but about raising children part...
I believe most of us was raised beyond color... only to be blinded by colors later in life...
"we're all the same color in different shades" is an excellent quote!Cheers!!
It probably ain't gonna change a farking thing. <-- *nods head* Sad to say that it's not going to change anything no matter how hard we try to voice out.
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