In the clinic, it is a rare sight to see people in tears, mainly because if they can come to clinic, they are relatively healthy.
But that day, it was different.
Both my patient and the patient of the junior doctor from my room went out for urine pregnancy test and came back positive.
Both were in tears, driven by different emotions and different reasons.
One was 14 years old, another was 38 years old.
One was overwhelmed with joy, another overwhelmed by fear and uncertainty.
Made me ponder for a while.
For the same thing, perhaps time and age will drive us to tears for different reasons at different level.
Made me ponder.
When will I have my last tear drops in this lifetime...
But that day, it was different.
Both my patient and the patient of the junior doctor from my room went out for urine pregnancy test and came back positive.
Both were in tears, driven by different emotions and different reasons.
One was 14 years old, another was 38 years old.
One was overwhelmed with joy, another overwhelmed by fear and uncertainty.
Made me ponder for a while.
For the same thing, perhaps time and age will drive us to tears for different reasons at different level.
Made me ponder.
When will I have my last tear drops in this lifetime...
If I'm pregnant... I'll be crying as well... crying because I know I'll fail to be a good mother and destroy a life in my hands...
u'll never know it till you're one.. holding your child on your arm.. cuddle and to love..
cry for another reason..
Then I shall cry for my lost of freedom to move freely...
children do not bog down anyone..
your mindset does.
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