Dec 13, 2012

Crimson tide

The 'best' thing about the new hospy that I am working right now is all deliveries to be conducted by doctors.

All deliveries to be conducted by medical officers or house officers under medical officers supervision.

It does bring back good memories of the time when I first conducted my first delivery, which is in the same hospy but different labor room.

Now, the labor room is new and so-called advanced.

Computerized partogram. Data through computer. CTG centralized view.

Maybe it's inertia.
Maybe it's adjustment disorder.

The installed system has less pros and more cons.

Browsing through the computerized data takes a lifetime and the previous records still need to be traced manually on paper technology.

Although one may argue the invincibility and economics in intrapartum care records as its prime and sole raison d'etre, I beg to differ.

Files can be corrupted, hacked, stolen, altered and destroyed with good computer programming skills.

Plus, the poor record-keeping using the not-so-user-friendly system will work against the medical institution.

Feedbacks from Prof J on the review of the documentation can be summarized in one word - Rubbish.

When I had complicated third stage and documented in length in the 'remarks' column, the senior nurse partly 'censored' my entry because when printed out, it doesn't look 'nice'.

Lack of triaging also renders serious conditions do not get immediate attention.

When a preggie lady came with per vaginal bleeding, as I am busy, I instantly ask a loitering house officer to attend to the lady for brief history.

The house officer just ignored me and walked away.
When I confronted him, the nurse in charge backed him up, telling me about how the whole system works. Patients to be registered by the clerk. Then, reviewed and vital signs be taken by the nurse, before the lady can be clerked.

Probably there is a reason why a lady came with massive abruptio but was seen only after 15mins later.

All victims of technology, or rather victims of common sense deficiency.

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