steak... I mean, stakes are being Raised (no pun intended).
and it is creating ripples...
and ripples...
internet does not work in a legal vacuum... but then again...
after releasing a whole lot of ISA detainees,
a brand new 'image' is not easy to upkeep, right?
here's a poem by annoyed, which I find rather amusing.
1 Utama is only a drive away
1 Malaysia is a concept? A vision? A place?
DPM and the rest are not even clear of
what more people like you and me?
maybe PM just say only, 1 Malaysia
as there is only 1 Malaysia on earth
this may be what he meant
just like people may be confusing
between Rias and Rice
betwen Yatim and Orphan
Malaysia’s Rias is not Rice
neither, Rias is not an orphan
which one you prefer?
1 Utama or 1 Malaysia
Rice or Rias
I prefer none of them
I want Malaysian Malaysia
I thought Annoyed is you. :P No? Don't hide behind Anonymous.. HAHAHA!
haha... i am just another stalker... seriously not Annoyed...
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