reached NICU 0630H. Heard Dr Thiyagar will start round around that time.
Oops. He will start coming in Sunday.
Maybe that's an unintended April Fool's joke for me.
Nonetheless, I had more time to explore NICU and got myself orientated.
Resuscitated 3 babies under Dr. L. Real training definitely rocks!!
So far, most memorable thing I had noticed in the NICU is the baby with Antenna, as Dr. H puts it...
"This baby long story... Now got Astro.. somemore"
Guess what's that antenna?

ventricular peritoneum shunt If the baby is hydrocephalus?
my hospy not dat canggih.. yet
it's a branula on the scalp vein!!
ic...i think i noe who's Dr.H d,grad from Jap med school..^^
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