toy soldier r' us
He pointed out that keeping a dog at home is better than recruiting a security guard as dogs would not sleep when they are “on duty” and would not disappear for two hours just to buy a packet of cigarette.amused, but totally agreed to it.
spot on.
growing up in a rather moderate family background, rarely do I required the service of security guard. Our house can be left open and nothing much would be happening.
it was when I started working, only then, I had several encounter with security guard.
First day of being to work, all anxious and green. I was denied of entry to the hospital compound, as I do not have the parking sticker, the name tag or any hospy ID. I explained in length with the help of my small stacks of appointment letters and all the relevant documents. Only then, the guard let me in with a smile. But of course, I had to park my car far far far far away in the public car park after going around 2-3 times looking for a parking spot.
In the old hospital, guard were seen wandering around the whole hospital, being partly observing any chaos and partly being the informal information fellow. Only 2 spots were heavily guarded - the neonatal ICU and the postnatal ward. Reason being, the breaking and everlasting news of the baby abduction in the hospy.
The guards, then were completely apathetic. Anyone can go into the wards.
I had encountered insurance agents going around selling, and also self-claimed reporter talking to an underage girl patient.
No such thing as visiting hours.
The hospy is like 7-11. Open 24 hours,
All you need to do is - sweet talk.
I chose my choice of hospital based completely on the proximity of that hospital to my house.
And this hospy was my 3rd choice.
When I told people about this hospy, everyone would tell me: Oh, that hospy that baby stolen.
I don't even know about this breaking milestone.
Moving to the new hospital.
Everything upgraded, except for some people's mentality.
No guard house, initially.
Just built one recently. Even with that around, clinic hours were still rudely disrupted by announcement of this and that car blocking this and that entrance, or parking in ambulance or specialists' carpark.
Still lots of people 'hanging' around in the hospital, not really doing anything but finding opportunities.
The quarters within the hospital compound was an easy target for burglar. multiple times.
Motorcycles of nurses or their next of kin stolen. multiple times.
Car of doctors were not spared. My surgical colleague's father in law's car surprising disappearance is a very alarming and heart breaking affair.
Nice car of doctors, scratched 360 degrees, almost graffiti work. multiple times.
My houseman, Dr Randy, moved out the next day to a safer neighbourhood.
Some foreign workers can be seen fishing in the big longkang within the hospital compound.
Some may be just plain 'fishing'. Who knows.
Now, the guard simply puts up disclaimer, urging us to be responsible for our own property.
Perhaps the occupants of the hospital's quarters should rebut that they should be responsible to their own duty.
Dutywise, some guards just put a sign "Went to toilet or prayers.", and never did come back till the next morning.
Some guards lulled themselves to sleep with a small radio by their table.
Some guards simply knitted the whole winter sweatshirt by one single shift session.
Some guards ran away when there was troubles or problems.
I guess in our country, guards are just another easy job.
No need much of experience.
No need much of qualification.
No much of work either.
Of course, I am plainly talking about the security guards of the hospy.
Anyway, nowadays, guards are humans, too.
With family to feed, lust to fulfill and possible some mental illness to be suffering with, guards can rape, kill or steal and they're at the best position and having the best opportunity to do it.

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