Stumbled upon this piece of news
and i posted it in facebook and I got several comments.”She was very competitive and wanted to succeed in everything she did,” he added.
"Divyashree had wanted to become an orthopaedic surgeon so that she could determine why she was so skinny." Interesting...
Yew Shiong Shionger... orthopedic causes for cachexia? er... osteosarcoma? Paget's? Ehler's Danlos? some sort of syndrome?... crap, i'm stumped...Chow Kar Menghmm... every1 has a dream, i guess such trivia issue would gain readership ? I can find more heart wreaking stories around net/blog than this.Poongundran PannerselvanFor god's sake. It's a twelve year old girl. Can you tell all these diseases when you are tweve years old of course not. So what's the great harm to have such an ambition. Now that she's gone just let her rest in peace no need to torment on her ambitionPoongundran PannerselvanAnd I'm sure this orthopaedics thingy was told by her parents and not her as she's no longer around. For a parent who have just lost their child even the most utter nonsense could mean a gem of an issue to them. So if you guys can't sympatise and show some empathy, the least that you can do is not to post crappy messages like this
Seriously, i think the one who is truly ridiculing the unfortunate girl is the one who contributes to that twisted statement. The best bet is on the journalist, to spice up the news piece.
- what does education have to do with this incident? the bridge is open for public,right?
are you saying asking students to cross a bridge a potential dangerous activity?
you expect the students to sit down, indulge in DOTA and call it a valid extra-curricular? - the person who are evidently involved in the construction should be charged in court for murder, or at least manslaughter. There is no use shutting down the company, and let the individual start another company, and start killing people and cut another 10 bucks off some minister's pay.
- RM10. Wow! Like that's going to make a big difference - for a minister.
Why can't she go to see a doctor and find the solution to her being skinny or underweight immediately, and not wait till she all grown up?
Or was her family being marginalized in the past when seeking treatment and health advice for being skinny?
Speaking of healthcare, I read in awe of the pekeliling on 1malaysia clinic.
Some of the contents I brought up here just to state my personal opinion.
If I am wrong (yes, bumi mana yang tidak ditimpa hujan), do correct me. Thank you.
Dengan wujudnya perkhidmatan ini ianya dijangka dapat membantuThe city or the suburban areas is crowded with hospital and clinics with abundance of health care facility, while the kampongs and rural places were less equipped, most defaulted follow up because they couldn't rake up enough money to pay the taxi man to take them from their house to the hospital near the 'kawasan Bandar'. Tragically, some even succumb to their death on the journey to the 'kawasan Bandar'. I do not have valid solid stats, but I think my colleagues at Sabah or Sarawak have lots of those tragic tales of real citizen of 1malaysia dying or suffering because that bloody1hospital/clinic is so bloody far1. Or maybe, they had stopped telling those tales, because it had became a norm and nobody listened to them anyway.
mengurangkan beban pesakit di klinik kesihatan di kawasan Bandar sedia ada .
Dalam hal ini akses masyarakat untuk mendapatkan rawatan ringan
terutamanya di kawasan bandar dapat ditingkatkan
1malaysia (tetapi tidak termasuk kawasan kampung dan pedalaman)?
Secara amnya skop yang dicadangkan adalah skop perkhidmatan yang bolehThe public don't even trust the some doctors nowadays, would you expect them to seek treatment to a clinic manned by Medical Assistants and Nurses?
dikendalikan oleh Penolong Pegawai Perubatan dan Jururawat Terlatih. Ianya
• Perkhidmatan rawatan ringan
• Susulan kes penyakit kronik
• Melakukan prosedur rawatan ringan
• Membuat notifikasi bagi penyakit berjangkit
• Menstabilkan pesakit sebelum dirujuk ke hospital berdekatan bagi kes kecemasan
• Perkhidmatan makmal menggunakan point of care test
• Pendispesan ubat
• Khidmat nasihat / promosi kesihatan kepada pesakit
Besides, if they can't dispense MCs, majority won't be interested, anyway.
If they can dispense MC, I think it would be an instant hit, no matter how unethical it would be.
Chronic illnesses have a higher risk of complications to arise.
Are the MAs and nurses well-equipped with the knowledge to detect those complications, when even the typical average-hardworking doctor may miss them?
To dispense medication? Any pharmacist commenting on this?
Kes yang diluar bidang Penolong Pegawai Perubatan akan dirujuk ke klinikFailure to recognize impending calamity, this flow of medical referral might probably cause delay in commencing early treatment to reduce morbidity or mortality. Putting a 'safety net' clause of a doctor is somewhere readily available ain't that convincing.
kesihatan atau hospital berdekatan dimana perkhidmatan disediakan oleh
Pegawai Perubatan. Bagi rawatan kecemasan, perkhidmatan yang disediakan
ialah menstabilkan pesakit sebelum dirujuk ke hospital berdekatan
That's RM 0.2 million of taxpayer's money per clinic, probably wasted. Although, nurses are already in shortage in hospital, even there were rumours about taking in foreign nurses, and now, a good number of them had to be sent out to this clinic.klinik di seluruh negara setahun.Kerajaan telah meluluskan peruntukan sebanyak RM 10 juta untuk operasi 50
V. Divyashree, you had passed away, trying to enlighten us all the sorry state of civil engineering and healthcare in our country.
I hope someone is listening.
I hope everyone is listening.
I hope you rest in peace.
What to do, malaysia memang boleh...
Why can't they just solve the root of each problem?
And about the 1malaysia health clinics, where MAs have the right to dispense medicine...WTF?
MA have diploma in doctoring,
certificate in pharmacy,
and master in MA...
even if anyone is dirt-poor, i dun think they want to compromise their health by going there...
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