shanghai 1930...
"boss, my hospital is now short of medical officers, currently i only have three MOs left. one is on leave, another one is giving birth, one just left for good. all of a sudden, the number dropped from 6 to 3. and of the three, 2 are very new, they just completed housemanship one month ago."
he kept on
" we have 300-400 out patients daily, 5 wards with a total 80-120 in patients, operation theater and a busy casualty as there's no private clinic operating after 5pm in town."
" i need you to come for about a month. all expenses will be covered."
k used to help covering in other district hospitals, so he said ok.
k told his boss about the relief, and he had to ask his colleague to cover his own clinic when he was off for the relief. he had to put his thalasssmia and HIV and shcool health programme on hold.
in that hospital, he had to do on call, in charge of ward, out patient clinic, and OT. and he had to cover the hospital director ass too.
whenever the director was on call, he'd just simply admit/discharge patients, and he wouldn't refer to tertiary centre no matter how bad was the patients' situation. so whenever the patients that he had admitted deteriorating in ward, k had to go and eat his shit.
For example,
1. a patient presented with Upper Gastro intestinal bleed, (a medical emergency), the director just admitted the patient to the ward by prescribing a H2 antagonist. (well, that hospital actually has PPI), without a PerRectal, or FBC! the next morning when k was doing ward round, he found out that the patient was as white as shit, and he referred stat, and you know the response he got from the tertiary for LATE referral..
2. a pregnant lady with BLEEDing low lying placenta at 34 weeks, with contraction. the director, admitted to ward for BED REST, no scan, no referral. luckily the nurse in ward was good enough, they've seen mothers bled to death before, they informed k, k went and do a LATE referral.
3. an open wound fracture, he kept in ward for one day.
4. acute apendicitis, admitted to rest in ward.
5. malaria, he treated as NSTEMI, just because the LDH raised a bit.
6. he was on resus call, and blue alert was alarmed, a baby came out flat... he didn't come to stanby or resus, he was having fun with contractors in golf club, the next day he asked, "oh so how's the baby?"
7. hypertension, with pulse rate 45/mins. he gave beta blocker.
8. his own driver, BP 180/110. he discharge home. the driver came to k one hour later, vomitted in front of k, BP recorded 220/120.
ok, 16 days was over, one of his MOs was back from leave. he told k " now you can go"
k asked him to issue a formal letter to state the dates he spent in the hospital, so that k could bring back to k's office to keep as a record ( if not, k would have use his own leave for that 16 days as the office may just take that 16 days as if k didn't come to work ) , secondly, with that letter, k could then make some claim for the relief ( which is also not much, imagine RM125/24 hours, which is merely RM5/hour or USD$1.40/hour. )
and the director turned his face and said," oh no no no.... i won't pay you...., you should be gladful that i offerred you a chance to serve the people...."
k said, " but you told me differently...."
director," you know what, i told state director already, and if you dare to do complaint, i'll ask him to transfer you to work directly under me in my hospital. and you won't want this to happen right? you know you'll be working directly under me, which is NOT a good news for you, hahaha...."
k was speechless.
that night, k went for a drink with his friends.
after a few glasses of tiger, they went high...
some were good in maths, they calculated, if RM125/day times 16 days, it would have been RM2000....plus transportation claims....
if you spent that 16 days doing locum in private, say just RM35/hour...you'll get....
a few more glasses of tiger, they went even higher...
suddenly they talked about revenge....
some were good in law, they said, "let's file a lawsuit letter agaist him....
some were good in politics, they said, "i know liow i know liow, let's call him and transfer this guy out....
some were loan sharks, they said, " let's do him a "Shang Hai 1930s" style......
some were animals, they said, " he bites you, we bite him.....
some were fishermen, they said, " we used to bomb fish, but we have never bomb anything on land... maybe his D-Max is a good try...
some were hunters, they said, " hunting is good, you'll never know what you'll get...
some thought k had saved their balls (k only assisted visiting surgeons in repairing thier hernias), they said," let's cut his balls....
some were buddists, they said," this is karma...maybe you owed him last life... if not, he'll have to return it back to you next life....
some were from kota marudu, they said " ai ya... quit government lah, do GP.....
part 2:
he gave 3 letters to k,
1st (b4 relief), stated that he'd cover ALL expenses, letter sounds like begging. " like we are really short, you are really needed.....blablabla)
2nd(upon completing relief), said only will cover lodging
3rd (after completing relief), said won't cover a single thing. "u fxxx off" that kind of letter.
and when you went to talk to him, he threatened you... you talked to the top level, the answer was the same
holy shit, k thinks the ppl at the top level are contracts($)-related brothers, no point arguing... they can't kill each other as their own hands are not clean with contractors $.
it reminds k of a movie, when someone tried to call a lawyer to sue another lawyer, he got trapped and sued by his own lawyer as the two lawyers were friends with common interest.
there's no justice "PAO" in our current system.
oh there's a phrase to describe this, "birds of a feather Fxxx together", i don't know, last time i used this phrase in secondary school, the teacher said one word was not right but she didn't tell me answer... err... maybe it's "Bastxxxs of a feather Fxxx together"...well, i can't think of anything better....
you don't have to study law to know law, you study politics.
again it's not the money that we are talking about... RM2k, anyone could earn that back. the system, the service, the attitute, is hugely disappointed.
p/s last night, the great master created another joke (well, it's not a joke, it involved 3 human lifes--- thank god they are poor and uneducated and they don't know lawyers), he admitted a TWINs @ term with PROM without seeing the patient. when asked about what kind of twins? how many week POG? what's the complaint? the reasons for admission? how's the ctg? have you referred specialist for opinion? the reason of admission?..... his answer is ," oh i admitted the patient BUT i didn't see the patient... the nurses will assess the patient...."
when he was asked to go back to reassess the patient, he as expected, DIDNOT go.
the other MO had to go in the middle of the night...
he has the licence to kill.
k is thinking of a nickname for him.... you know, you can't call him 'boss' anymore...
lock jaw..=(
And why is this chap still walking free? It's because of jokers like him that our government hospitals will continue to get a bad rap.
it is also jokers like him that made all the 'k's went to private instead of staying to serve the people.
on top of the bucks, i guess having some bxxtard like him really is a pushing factor...
After reading all you've written, I would crawl to private hospitals no matter what or I would just rot by the roadside... Is the government hospital really that bad?
governmt hosp not bad, it's the people... not all, but some...
private hosp aren't dat bright,either...
their mistakes are well covered up with $$$$.
their management (not all) also $$$-driven, not orientated to the problem you're having...
so, if you're really unlucky, you end up losing your health n your $$$...
but overall, and all, major prob in public hospital is lack of communication...
major cause of lack of communication is overload of work...
major cause of overload of work is the existence of those bxxxtxrd who sits down and let their colleagues or nurses do work...
Very chim... then I'll pray hard that I will NEVER fall that sick to end up in hospital... and I'll just adopt for kids...
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