I wonder if episiotomy routinely should be offered in this case...
Does Rosmah Deserve the Curtin Award?
By Kee Thuan Chye
CURTIN'S REPLY TO THE RECENT COMMENTS:It must be sad for the prime minister's wife, Rosmah Mansor, that for receiving an honorary doctorate from a foreign university, she got so much flak.
The university that awarded it, Curtin University of Western Australia, was hit with brickbats too, judging by the strongly-worded postings on its Facebook page after the award was announced. Curtin was probably astonished by the reception.
As one commentor wrote:
"Curtin dear, you didn't anticipate these at all, did you?"
The postings were so many and so fast and furious that Curtin removed some of them. And justified it thus:
"Thanks for your feedback around one of our recent awards. We are as always supportive of free expression but have removed some postings as they're repeats."
Why is there so much negative reaction to Rosmah's getting the honorary doctorate?
The answer to that might well lie in the answer to another question: Does she actually deserve the award?
According to the media release sent out by Curtin, it is to recognise her "for her dedication to education and the advancement of women".
It adds: "She has devoted herself to community life, becoming the driving force behind the Permata project, which focuses on early childhood education and care for Malaysian children aged under five."
Nowhere in the release, however, is there an example given of how she has contributed to "the advancement of women".
In any case, the university must have been misinformed or failed to understand the implications of Rosmah's involvement in Permata.
It's taxpayers' money
As the prime minister's wife, she needed a project to give her a high profile, so she's latched on to Permata.
But it has been the people's money that is giving her this boost. In the 2010 Budget, her husband, the prime minister, allocated RM100 million to Permata, which at the time seemed a huge amount, and bigger in comparison to some other allocations.
Then in the 2011 Budget, her husband increased the allocation to Permata to RM111 million, causing many to wonder if he hadn't abused his powers.
One commentor on the Curtin Facebook page rubbed it in: "With due respect, the money she is using is taxpayers' money, not from her own pocket. If she has done a service for ‘early childhood education', what about the half-dozen other unrecognised Malaysians who have done far more? Sorry, but this award absolutely stinks."
Another commentor invoked an apt comparison: "I am a Malaysian and I'm incensed by the award. Would any Australian be happy if a foreign university awarded [Australian prime minister] Julia Gillard's partner for creating day-care centres around Australia with taxpayers' money?"
The odd thing is, these criticisms are coming from ordinary Malaysians, so Rosmah can't say that they are politically motivated or generated by people who are jealous of her "achievements".
Odder still is the vitriol that accompanies many of these criticisms, which shows the level of respect -- or is it disrespect? -- the critics have for the prime minister's wife.
Numerous people wanted to know how much she paid for the award.
Understandably, the ones who felt most hard done by were alumni of the university. Some said they felt embarrassed. Some said they would not hang their Curtin certificate on the wall any more.
One alumnus lashed out: "Who is Rosmah? After all the three years of hardship I went through to earn a Bachelor of Commerce from CBS [presumably Curtin Business School], now she gets the award just like that? Disgusting Curtin. I will never send my children to Curtin although I graduated from there."
Another alumnus ran down Rosmah and lambasted his alma mater: "This honorary doctorate for Rosmah is a debacle. Shame on me for holding a Curtin degree. Shame on Curtin for ruining its reputation. As we Malaysians would say, 'jatuh standard'."
Someone wrote: "Pity all the hardworking PhDs of Curtin for being ranked with Rosmah now. How do you term it in the property market? ... Total market depreciation?"
Why such disrespect for PM's wife?
Why is Rosmah so lacking in respect? Why are people saying bad things about her?
Malaysians are not noted to say bad things about the wives of past prime ministers -- at least not in public. None of her predecessors have been bashed like this. So why Rosmah?
Is it because of her alleged spending sprees? Does Curtin know about the evidence Australian fashion journalist Patty Huntington has provided regarding Rosmah's alleged purchase of 61 dresses from Australian designer Carl Kapp?
Is it because of her alleged attempt to buy a RM24 million diamond ring last year? Is it because of the thousands of ringgit she allegedly spends buying her range of Hermes handbags?
Is it because of the advertisement that was placed in the New York Times on behalf of the Malaysian government when she and her husband visited the United States in 2010 in which she was congratulated for having won a little-known international award, an advertisement that allegedly cost about three quarters of a million ringgit?
Is it because of her being allegedly involved in government affairs, including allegedly having her own division in the Prime Minister's Office called FLOM (First Lady of Malaysia)?
And that she even attended the highly confidential meeting between the prime minister and his top aides in the Finance Ministry to discuss the final preparations for the 2012 Budget although she had no business being there?
Is it because of blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin's statutory declaration made in 2008 that he had been "reliably informed" that Rosmah was among a few people present when the Mongolian national Altantuya Shaariibuu's body was C4ed?
Is it more than all these?
Curtin defends the award
In any case, all these are irrelevant to Curtin. As the university has just clarified (on Feb 15) in a note put out on Facebook in defense of its award:
"In the case of the nomination of Datin Sri (sic) Rosmah, while the university became aware of some critical commentary in relation to the awardee, the allegations against her do not appear to have been substantiated.
"When the nomination was considered, her contribution to early childhood education and the advancement of women was considered worthy of recognition and so the award was approved."
It also spelt out how the awarding of honorary doctorates is decided.
The first response to that post -- from a Malaysian -- was: "What a load of crock! There are a lot more worthy candidates out there."
Others found the explanation vague, disappointing and unsubstantiated. Someone asked who the other candidates were and who nominated Rosmah as one.
So there! Curtin University doesn't mind awarding a doctorate to someone who might be dogged by negative controversy.
Well, that's its own business. Back home, Rosmah might want to ask herself why so many Malaysians have such a low opinion of her -- since these are the people who should matter more to her than any foreign university or organisation giving her awards.
She might want to be honest with herself when she evaluates comments such as these:
"If this lady was well-respected in the country, she would be receiving praise and perceived as deserving of the doctorate. As you can see, there is anger instead."
"They gave her a doctorate. LOL. Of all the people in Malaysia."
If she ever figures out why so many Malaysians have such a low opinion of her, she might want to do something to make herself better regarded.
Notice, however, that I did not say "loved". I did not even say "liked". And for her sake, I hope it's not already too late.
Thank you for your feedback around one of our recent awards. The information below is provided in response to several people requesting more information about the process of awarding a Curtin honorary doctorate.I believe as an esteemed center of higher learning, the university's senior members of academic and professional staff and the Council, the governing body of University, still have pretty much to learn. Our allegations are at least at the level or lower with your recognition of her contribution to early childhood education and advancement of women, barely appear to be substantiated.
Curtin University has a formal policy relating to how these awards are granted. A nomination may be submitted by any member of the University community, using a specific template. Nominations are assessed by the Honorary Awards Nomination Committee, comprising senior members of the academic and professional staff.
Nominations which are supported by this committee are forwarded to the Executive Committee of the University Council, and then finally to the Council itself. The Council is the governing body of the University, and comprises representatives of the community, staff and students. In the case of the nomination of Datin Sri Rosmah, while the University became aware of some critical commentary in relation to the awardee, the allegations against her do not appear to have been substantiated. When the nomination was considered her contribution to early childhood education and the advancement of women was considered worthy of recognition and so the award was approved.
Pimped this case from here.
27-year-old lady presented with persistent cough, sputum and fever for the preceding six months. Inspite of trials with antibiotics and anti-tuberculosis treatment for the preceeding four months, her symptoms did not improve.
A subsequent chest radiograph showed non-homogeneous collapse-consolidation of right upper lobe.
Videobronchoscopy revealed an inverted bag like structure in right upper lobe bronchus and rigid bronchoscopic removal with biopsy forceps confirmed
- the presence of a condom.Detailed retrospective history also confirmed accidental inhalation of the condom during fellatio.
Reference: Arya CL, Gupta R, Arora VK. Accidental condom inhalation. Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci. 2004 Jan-Mar;46(1):55-8. [PMID: 14870871][PDF]
Hiding important part of history may just lead to higher morbidity or mortality and not to mention, wasted a whole shebang of clinical treatments.
In my real life encounter, if not for the timely intervention, the misleading lady may have died intraoperatively. Postoperatively, her life partner smiling away while correcting his part of history which had misled us, was classified as an educated jerk, even by my standard of tolerance for stupidity.
Honesty may not always be the best policy, but dishonesty may be fatal at times.
Full disclosure and honesty is recommended especially in the matter of life and death.
Bracht’s simple, efficient, and effective method: the breech was allowed to deliver spontaneously to the umbilicus without push or pull. The knee-extended legs of the flexed breech were not brought down. The body and extended legs were then grasped in both hands, with the fingers around the lower back and the thumbs around the posterior aspect of the thighs, while the upward and anterior rotation of the body was maintained. When the anterior rotation was nearly complete the baby’s body was held, not pressed, against the mother’s symphysis using only a force equivalent to the weight of that portion of the baby already born. The mere maintenance of this position, added to the uterine contractions and, if necessary, gentle suprapubic pressure by an assistant, allowed the baby’s head to deliver spontaneously in full extension. They noted that a reasonable degree of cooperation and minimum use of anaesthesia were essential prerequisites.
Snippet from The Star.
Speechless, reading it in national paper. wtf.OUR teacher was briefing us on how to fill the SPM registration form correctly. When she came to the part on religion, she said: “Put 1 for Islam and for all other religions, put 2”.
A group of students said aloud: “Racist! Racist!” The teacher’s face turned red at the statement. “How many times have I told you never to say that word! That word never existed.” Her firm statement silenced the class.
This incident shows that racism is still active, undermining the integration that we had built since Independence Day. When our Prime Minister launched a series of programmes targeted at Malaysians’ unity, it also shows...
Spring season begins today on Chinese calendar, we call it 立春 or Li Chun, meaning the beginning of spring. On this day, people usually go outdoors, make paper-cuttings to decorate windows, and eat spring egg rolls filled with fresh vegetables inside, it’s called 咬春, meaning bite spring.source: http://my.opera.com/Aprilsnow/blog/the-first-day-of-spring
The real importance of this day resides on its agricultural implication – soon farmers will start to plow the soil preparing to seed. China has a long and well-developed agricultural history, people’s lives are very much involved with agriculture, and spring is considered a season for plantation (春耕) while summer is called growing season (夏长), autumn harvest time (秋收) and winter for reservation (冬藏).
Spring is so special, it always reminds us of life, renew and hope. So we celebrate it on its first day.
立春时节有游春、剪彩花、宴饮等习俗。另外,立春这天还要举行迎春的祭祀活动,天子率臣僚在东郊迎春。在清代,“立春日为春朝,士庶交相庆贺,谓之‘拜春'。” 民间有鞭打春牛、送小春牛、贴宜春贴、造“探春茧”(一种面食)、“咬春”、“演春”等习俗。
所 谓“咬春”,就是在立春这一天吃一些春天的新鲜蔬菜,既为防病,又有迎接新春的意味。有记载道:“立春日,食芦菔、春饼、生菜,号春 盘”, 还有:唐人于“立春日作春饼,以春蒿、黄韭、蓼芽包之”;到了南宋,宫廷中的春盘,除“春饼”外,还有“翠缕红丝、金鸡玉燕,备极精 巧,每盘值万钱”。杜甫的《立春》诗写道:“春日春盘细生菜,忽忆两京梅发时。”苏东坡的《送范德孺》诗写道:“渐觉东风料峭寒,青蒿黄韭试春盘。”都提 到“春盘”,指的就是立春这天吃的新鲜蔬菜。
Another thing that is interesting is if direct translate the word “Li Chun” 立春, “Li” 立 means STAND. “Chun” 春 has a lots of meaning and one of it is represent egg. So, “Li Chun” 立春 means “Stand Egg”.According to the saying, the egg should not be refrigerated and must use raw egg. I have tried to make a few eggs stand and the eggs continue to stand on till the next day. I am not sure whether the saying is correct as I never tried it on any other days. So I am not sure whether the egg will stand on any other days but it is indeed a good experience and knowledge. You could use this to impress or surprise your kids, family or friends in the next Chinese New Year. Perhaps you could make the egg stand together with your family members as a bonding activity. This is another fun activity during the Chinese New Yearsource: http://swanthamsw.blogspot.com/2011/02/how-li-chun-relates-to-egg-standing.htmlNo physical influence of other celestial bodies on the egg can affect its balance to the extent required by the folk belief. Gravitational and electromagnetic forces, in particular, are considerably weaker and steadier than the disturbances created by the person's breathing and heartbeat.
In 1947, Japanese physicist Ukichiro Nakaya verified experimentally that eggs in fact can be balanced with ease at any time of the year. He noticed that the shell of an egg usually has many small bumps and dimples, so that, by turning the egg in different directions, it can be made to touch a flat surface on three points at once, in many ways. It is not hard to find an orientation such that the triangle spanned by the three contact points lies right under the egg's center of mass, which is the condition for balancing any object.[2] Of course, balancing an egg on a rough surface is easy too, for the same reason.
Martin Gardner also observed that "if you are convinced that an egg will balance more easily on a certain day you will try a little harder, be more patient, and use steadier hands. If you believe that eggs won't balance on other days, this belief is transmitted subconsciously to your hands", and compares the process to the "Ouija-board phenomenon".[1]
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egg_of_Li_Chun
Awesome effort!!!